The Mission of Loudoun County Fire and Rescue

The Fire Operations Committee (FOC) of Loudoun County Fire and Rescue is a group of elected fire chiefs from each volunteer fire company, as well as a career staff member appointed by the system chief. This committee provides advice on fire prevention and extinguishing, and is responsible for overseeing the Device Standards Subcommittee and any other subcommittee that is deemed necessary to achieve the goals and objectives. The System Compliance Subcommittee, which does not include members of the Executive Committee or the Chief of the System, is appointed by the AOC. This subcommittee deals with disciplinary matters and makes recommendations to the Executive Committee and the Chief of the System on serious misconduct based on the Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System Code of Conduct.

The Office of the Fire Marshal (FMO) works to ensure a safe working and living environment for Loudoun County residents, workers, and travelers. Fire and rescue services in Loudoun County are provided through a combined system that includes nearly 500 professionals and more than 1,500 volunteers. The mission statement of Loudoun County Fire and Rescue is to protect life, property, and the environment through prevention, education, emergency response, and community service. The FOC works to ensure that this mission statement is upheld by providing advice on fire prevention and extinguishing, as well as overseeing any necessary subcommittees.

The FMO works to provide a safe environment for all residents, workers, and travelers in Loudoun County. The combined system of professionals and volunteers provides fire and rescue services to ensure that this mission statement is achieved. The mission of Loudoun County Fire and Rescue is to safeguard life, property, and the environment through prevention initiatives, educational programs, emergency response services, and community outreach. The FOC works diligently to ensure that this mission is fulfilled by providing advice on fire prevention measures as well as supervising any necessary subcommittees. The FMO strives to create a secure atmosphere for all citizens in Loudoun County by providing fire and rescue services through a combined system of professionals and volunteers. The FOC is responsible for making sure that all safety regulations are followed in order to protect life, property, and the environment.

They also oversee any necessary subcommittees such as the Device Standards Subcommittee or System Compliance Subcommittee. The System Compliance Subcommittee is appointed by the AOC and deals with disciplinary matters while making recommendations to the Executive Committee or Chief of the System regarding serious misconduct based on the Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System Code of Conduct. The Office of the Fire Marshal works hard to guarantee a safe working environment for all citizens in Loudoun County. They are dedicated to providing fire and rescue services through a combined system that includes nearly 500 professionals as well as more than 1,500 volunteers. Loudoun County Fire and Rescue's mission statement is to protect life, property, and the environment through prevention initiatives, educational programs, emergency response services, and community outreach. The FOC works hard to make sure that this mission statement is upheld while also providing advice on fire prevention measures.

The FMO strives to create a secure atmosphere for all citizens in Loudoun County by providing fire and rescue services through a combined system of professionals and volunteers. Loudoun County Fire & Rescue's mission statement serves as a reminder that safety should always be a priority when it comes to protecting life, property, and the environment. The FOC works diligently to ensure that this mission statement is upheld while also providing advice on fire prevention measures. The FMO strives to create a secure atmosphere for all citizens in Loudoun County by providing fire & rescue services through a combined system of professionals & volunteers.

Irving Zimmerli
Irving Zimmerli

Wannabe reader. Devoted internet scholar. Professional social media buff. Unapologetic music scholar. Devoted coffee guru. Freelance organizer.